Valentine's Day

9:56 AM

As I promised in my previous post here is an outfit I would wear on Valentine
's Day. To be honest, I really don't wear red or any other colour (I am such a black person ha ha), but I love red on my lips. This outfit would be appropriate for a dinner out or any other special occasion. As for me, I will probably spend my Valentine's Day in some oversized comfy sweater in my bed with a ton of chocolate and a good movie. In any case I am not a very romantic person but for all of you girls who are going out with your loved ones I wish you a lovely night full of love.


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  1. fantastična si! res ti paše ta obleka. :D sva na istem, samo da grem jaz zapit konec izpitnega in samsko valentinovo! :DD uživaj! :*

    1. Awwww hvala:3... Tud jz grem absolutno zapit čeprov ne konca izpitnega obdobja (ker ga zame še ni konec) ampak lahko petek, samsko valentinovo...karkoli, vedno se najde dobr razlog:DD

  2. Sexy dress! Can never go wrong with black, its a classic. I will also be in sweats eating chocolate tomorrow! Great post.


  3. You look gorgeous, I wouldn't mind spending valentines with you.

    Only problem is chocolate, better hide it or it will be all gone :D

  4. You're so beautiful! I love your blog! I nominated you for the Liebster Award! :)

  5. Hey, I just nominated you for the Liebster Award, head over to my blog for details H xxx


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