Lavera skin care products review

For the past few weeks I've been testing the following Lavera skin care products:
  • Lavera Invigorating Cleansing Gel (Oily & Combination)
  • Lavera Purifying Facial Toner (Oily & Combination)
  • Lavera Pore Refining Moisturising Fluid Bio-Mint
  • Lavera Purifying Scrub (All Skin Types)

This was the first time I've tried the Lavera products and I have to say I am impressed. Firstly because my skin feels amazing since I’ve started using them, secondly because all products are natural and free from animal testing. And lastly because the products are really affordable (I believe the quality of their products can be compared to many more expensive brands).

Zadnjih nekaj tednov sem testirala slednje Laverine izdelke:

Tokrat je bilo prvič, da sem sprobala Laverin izdelek in priznam, da so me zelo navdušili. Prvič zato ker odkar jih uporabljam moja kože zgleda dosti lepša, drugič zato, ker so vsi njihovi izdelki naravni in niso testirani na živalih. Nazadnje pa še zato, ker so izdelki cenovno dostopni (verjamem da je njihova kvaliteta primerljiva z dosti dražjimi znamkami).

I love the smell of the products, they have very natural and refreshing smell. The packaging is simple and elegant, but more importantly not too big, so you can easily pack the products for a vacation.

Izdelki imajo zelo prijeten, svež vonj. Zapakirani so v preproste in elegantne embalaže, ki niso prevelike, tako da izdelke zlahka zapakiramo za potovanja.

 My skincare routine:

1.  Lavera Invigorating Cleansing Gel (Oily & Combination)

 I start my daily routine by applying the cleansing gel to clean my face and remove all the impurities. In the evening I use the cleansing gel after my make-up remover. The gel is very gentle, but clears my skin very well. I have oily to combination skin and I find that the gel cleans my face but at the same time doesn’t feel drying on the skin. That is why I would recommend it to all skin types, especially during the cold winter months.

Mojo dnevno rutino začnem z nanosom čistilnega gela, da mi očisti obraz ter tako odstranim vse nečistoče. Zvečer uporabim čistilni gel takoj po odstranjevalcu make-upa. Moja koža po uporabi gela postane vidno bolj čista, gel jo globinsko očisti, hkrati pa je zelo nežen z kožo. Imam mastni do mešani tip kože in mi čistilni gel zelo dobro očisti kožo ter po uporabi moje kože ne pusti suhe. Zato bi ga priporočala vsem tipom kože, še posebaj zdaj, v mrzlih zimskih dneh.

2. Lavera Purifying Facial Toner (Oily & Combination)

After using the cleansing gel I use facial toner which gives my skin the feel of freshness and radiance. I think using the toner makes all the difference especially if you have problematic skin that tends to break out. I apply it with a cotton pad and gently wipe over my face, neck and décolleté.

Po uporabi čistilnega gela pa uporabim čistilni tonik, ki da moji koži sijoč in svež izgled. Uporaba tonika zares naredi razliko, še posebaj  če imaš problematično kožo ki  je nagnjena k nepravilnostim. Tonik najprej nanesem na vatko nato ga nežno vmasiram na obraz, vrat in dekolte.

3.  Lavera Pore Refining Moisturising Fluid Bio-Mint

The last step in my current skin care routine contains a moisturising cream. I massage it gently all over face and neck using circular motions. This helps to decongest pores and prevent blemishes, while reducing inflammation and redness. What I love about this moisturiser is that it absorbs immediately into the skin and makes it feel extremely hydrated and not at all oily. It is a perfect choice for my skin type, especially during the winter, when my skin tends to feel a bit dehydrated. I would recommend it for combination as well as oily skin types. 

Zadnji korak, ki ga vključuje moja čistilna rutina je vlažila krema. S krožnimi gibi jo nežno vmasiram na obraz in vrat. Pomaga zmanjšati pore in prepreči nastajanje ogrcev, hkrati pa zmanjša vnetje in rdečico. Kar mi je najbolj všeč pri kremi je to, da se po nanosu takoj vpije v kožo in jo naredi ekstremno vlažno in niti malo mastno. Je popolna izbira za moj tip kože, še posebaj pozimi, ko je koža bolj suha kot ponavadi. Priporočala bi jo vsem z mešano in tudi mastno kožo.

4. Lavera Purifying Scrub (All Skin Types)

I use the scrub 1 or 2 times per week (depending on how my skin looks and feels) after cleansing my face. I apply it to the damp skin on my face and neck, avoiding the eye area. I massage it gently and rinse well with warm water. The scrub removes dead skin cells and helps with impuritiesMy skins feels really grateful after using it.

Piling uporabljam približno 1 do 2 krat tedensko (odvisno kako zgleda moja koža). Nanesem ga po čiščenju kože z prej omenjenimi izdelki. Nanesem ga na vlažno kožo na obraznem predelu in vratu ter se izognem območju oči. Vmasiram ga nežno v kožo in na koncu sperem z toplo vodo. Piling odstrani vse nečistoče ter mrtve kožne celice. Moja koža po uporabi pilinga zgleda dosti boljše in hvaležno.

Naročite jih lahko tukaj



A few highlights from my birthday celebration:


         A special thanks to all my friends for an unforgettable night  


Sleek Oh So Special Palette Review

I'm a big make up junkie, so even though I already have so many eyeshadows and eyeshadow palettes in my collection, somehow always find myself wanting to try a new one. For the past couple of weeks I've been trying out the Sleek Oh So Special Palette which I’ll be reviewing for you today.

Sem velika ljubiteljica ličil in čeprav imam že veliko palet s senčili si vedno znova zaželim preiskusiti kakšno novo. Zadnja dva tedna sem preizkušala Sleek Oh So Special paleto, ki jo bom predstavila in ocenila v tej objavi.

The palette contains 12 eyeshadows, 5 of those have a shimmery finish and 7 of them have a matte finish. The colours in this palette are useful for creating a variety of neutral and dramatic looks. The colour pay off is amazing, the colours are nicely pigmented, although they have a little bit of a fall out during the application. I recommend doing your eyes before putting on the foundation, so you can clean out any fall out that may occur.

Paleta vsebuje 12 senčil za veke, 5 izmed teh je sijočih preostalih 7 pa je mat. Barve v paleti so popolne za ustvarjanje tako bolj naravnih kot tudi dramatičnih videzov. Senčila so zelo pigmentirana kar se pozna tudi ob nanosu zato priporočam, da se nanese najprej senčila nato pa željeno podlago oziroma puder.

It has great neutral and soft eyeshadows for daytime looks, which can be built up to create more dramatic looks perfect for an evening out. The darker shadows are perfect to use in the crease to create a smokey eye, or you could use them to line the eyes to achieve a perfect natural daytime look.

Vsebuje lepe naravne in nežne odtenke ki so zelo primerni za dnevni izgled, ki pa jih ob uporabi temnejših barv iz palete lahko nadgradiš v bolj dramatičen izgled primeren za večerni videzTemnejše barve so popolne za senčenje  da ustvariš “smokey eye” ali pa jih lahko uporabiš kot črtalo in tako dosežeš naravni izgled.

[daily look]

[night-time look]

The packaging itself is very nice and sleek with a large mirror, which makes it the perfect palette for (daily)  travel. Because it has a nice variety of colours you can use it to transform your daily makeup to a night-time look on the go.

Because the palette consists of basic colours I would especially recommend it to makeup beginners especially it’s a very good product at a very affordable price.

Snečila so v elegantni črni paleti v kateri je tudi veliko ogledalo zaradi česar je primerna za (vsakodnevna) potovanja. Ker v paleti najdemo pestro izbiro barv se lahko uporabi za poživitev dnevnega videza v bolj dramatičnega.

Paleta je sestavljena iz osnovih barv, zato bi jo toplo priporočala vsem ki ste pri ličenju novi, še posebaj zato, ker je glede na kvaliteto zelo ugodna.

Slovenian readers can buy it here.

V Sloveniji se paleta lahko kupi tukaj.

I hope you enjoy this type of posts as well and I would love to hear from you which is your favorite makeup palette.

Upam da vam je tak tip objav všeč in z veseljem bi slišala katera je vaša najljubša paleta.

I'm still into you

Hi guys,

I wore this outfit when it was still hot and sunny outside. Unfortunately we’ve had heavy rain for the past couple of days. I really hate rain, because my hair always gets frizzy and it just won't stay in place so I always end up wearing a bun. Another reason why I hate rain is because I am just so lazy when it comes to caring an umbrella, I would rather be wet than carry umbrella around all day.
Anyways, since it was hot and sunny outside, I decided to wear this »light blouse« and plain black leggings. I love that the shirt is longer in the back, since I am one of those people who hate to wear anything short paired with leggings. Lately I dress mostly casual and comfy, because I literally spend every day in library studying. I just can't wait for this school madness to be over :) 

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